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#133 – What Makes Habibi Bears So Special?

Habibi Bears are precious Cargo

With the brink of the holiday season upon us, we would like to take a moment to shout a big “Thank You” to all of our Habibi Bear Tribe members who have done their homework, read the literature and followed our suggestions in regards to raising their Habibi Bear puppies, the most precious, intuitive and happy little fellows that you’d ever have the pleasure of meeting. Those of you who have done the work know just how awesome it is to have cheerful, bouncy and well-balanced puppies in a household, spreading love and joy wherever they go (hey! Isn’t that a Hello Kitty slogan?) In case you were wondering how to do it, put on your space helmets, charge up your rocket packs and keep reading!


A Breed and a program designed just for them.  
Thats Habibi Bears 

The Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy Especially created for Habibi Bear pups.

We have taken great strides in creating the perfect program for raising fantastic Habibi Bear puppies based on their genetics, bonding, and mentorship. We are extremely selective in choosing the right parents to get the desired Habibi Bear puppy qualities of intuitive, human-focused, curious and tender-hearted dogs. These are the characteristics needed to be emotional support or even therapy dogs, as well as the most important role, a stellar member of your family. There is a slight caveat that comes with having dogs with such high levels of empathy, compassion and human-focus. It means that conventional training methods, many based partially or entirely on aversive (causing to avoid or punishing stimulus) techniques, are to be avoided at all costs. Trying to raise a Habibi Bear puppy like any other breed of dog will get mixed results at best, and a damaged pup at worst. A Habibi Bear pup is a companion dog, not a hunting dog, not a hound, not a guard dog, nor a terrier. Those of you who have raised other breeds or have had more than one breed of dog as family members will know exactly what we are talking about. With a few rare exceptions, it makes no sense to try to make a Husky or a Retriever into a guard dog, or a Chihuahua into a hunting dog. As a companion dog, our Habibi Bear puppies have had their formative weeks being prepared to work with you, their human, in a partnership that will take you both to the highest of heights using our Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy Program.


The Ultimate “Cheat Sheet” to the Dog of your Dreams

Bonding and gentle guidance are the two magical components to our Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy program, and the results that we have experienced and have gotten feedback from are quite literally, out of this world! We are proud to be ahead of the pack while others are focused on outdated concepts like training. Not us! We don’t want to break their spirit, we want to shape and guide them to wanting to do the right thing. We prefer to cultivate and deepen our Habibi Bear pup’s innate desire to be close to you, to please you and to work with you in a partnership that results in the type of bond that saves lives, just like our Habibi Heroes and Heroines River, Honey and Titan! It is the trust that develops between your puppy and you that makes the magic happen and the behaviors you admire. Every time you feed your Habibi Bear guy or gal on time, every time they have scheduled down time in their pen, every time they can predict their world because of the preparation you have taken, is another step in their road to confidence, in themselves and in you. The fantastic thing is that we have an exact roadmap to get you there, included with every Habibi Bear adoption. 


We are thrilled to offer complete mentorship including:


  1.  helpful trackers
  2.  clear flowcharts
  3. user-friendly instructions 
  4. engaging videos
  5. Follow-up support calls


Our program puts you in the captain’s chair and driver’s seat, so that you can ensure that your impressionable Habibi Bear puppy, the most precious of cargo, can be gently led by the person they love the most-you. You can be sure that your puppy will be in the best of hands, handled at every moment with tender loving care because you are the coach guiding them towards the end goal. We know you are the best to be taking on this rewarding project, we have full faith and confidence in you. If you ever need help, our team is here to troubleshoot or course correct, because as always, we are here for you, cheering you on! 


#90 – Diatomaceous Earth: A Non-Toxic Aid in Fight against Fleas!

Spring has just about sprung here in the lush Pacific Northwest, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog, the Habibi Bear puppy dog! We at the Habibi Bear Central Hub are taking advantage of the equal daylight hours and with extra daylight comes extra outdoor time, which...

#100 – What is Socialization? Get your Puppy ready for the world

You may already know that we are always looking for ways to support our beloved Habibi Bear Tribe with crucial information to make your life easier with your Habibi Bear puppy. This week in that tradition, we are going to talk about a buzzword that gets a lot of juice...

#22 – Superpups and Puppachinos! Dog Costumes and your pup.

It’s that time of year when our Instagram feeds can be filled with endless pictures of puppies in the cutest costumes: pirates, super heroes, sunflowers and even a favorite hot beverage or food. While it is tempting to do the same with your pup, here’s some questions...

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!