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What You Need to Know
Fill out the application form below the requirements and expectations.
- Handler and pet are required to be active members in a recognized Therapy Animal organization.
Former and retired Service Dogs will be considered if they have become Therapy Dogs.
Handler and pet must have been an active Therapy Animal team for a minimum of 1 (one) year.
Handler and pet must be insured through their primary Therapy Animal organization
Handler must present a copy of the pet’s current Rabies vaccination, and a copy of a negative fecal test to include with the application.
Handler must undergo background check with local law enforcement.
Pet must be good around all types of people, and must also be well behaved around other animals.
Handler must purchase and embroider dog vest/cape.
Membership fee is a one-time $100 donation to Hannah’s Heart
- Handler and pet are expected to remain active members in a recognized Therapy Animal organization.
All handlers must purchase and wear appropriate Hannah’s Heart shirt or name tag.
All animals must wear our vest/cape with Hannah’s Heart embroidered on it including Pet’s name.
Teams must carry the following at all times: insurance, litter bags, 4’ leash.
Animals must always be clean, nails trimmed, and brushed.
Handlers must always be clean and presentable.
Handlers are to always remain impartial in all situations without expressing opinions; political, religious, or otherwise.
Cases can be very sensitive and must be kept confidential.
The process from deposition to the actual court cases can take months to years to come to completion, so members must be available and open to a changing schedule.
Cases are not scheduled on any regular basis, so there may be months with no activity.
This is a volunteer organization. No one is compensated for their time and effort. (Some courts will allow for reimbursement of parking at the courthouse)