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Therapy Dog Breeder in Moses Lake, Washington

The United States is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Conditions such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD are negatively impacting Americans’ quality of life. Each year, more than 25% of Americans are diagnosed with a mental disorder. The good news is that many people suffering from mental health issues are finding solace in therapy dogs. These dogs provide emotional support and an unyielding companion for their owners. Read on to learn about puppies for sale in Moses Lake, WA. Explore topics such as how emotional support pets can help you and what the best dog breeds are for this service.

What Is the Habibi Bear Breed?

Puppies falling under this breed are also referred to as teddy bear dogs. Their lineage traces back more than three centuries to the Bichon family and the Mediterranean.

The hybridization that results in Habibi Bears is driven by local dogs breeding with smaller dogs. There are a few breeds out there, such as Maltese, that follow a similar backstory. However, Habibi Bears are unique because they maintain genetic diversity by avoiding any inbreeding.

Maintaining this clean genetic line is why Moses Lake dog breeders are special. The result is a niche breed that is perfect for therapy and companionship.

How Does the Delivery Process Work?

Once you are selected to adopt one of our puppies, it is time to make delivery arrangements. Some families decide to pick up their puppy in person, but we have other options as well. We can make special delivery arrangements for you – we call it Gotcha Day! A puppy nanny service will be used to deliver your Habibi Bear right to you. Meeting at a nearby airport is another option for some families.

Your Guide to Puppies for Sale in Moses Lake, WA

You are now ready to start shopping for puppies in Moses Lake. The Habibi method makes us one of the best dog breeders near Moses Lake.

Our Habibi Bears are well-trained and bred for a special purpose. They are going to fulfill their mission as a service dog and aid your mental health.

If you are looking for puppies for sale in Moses Lake, WA, contact us today to start the adoption process for your very own Habibi Bear.

#134 – The Golden Ticket to Puppy Success

The Golden Ticket to Puppy Success!

Imagine you have a child who has been tested by professionals and has been identified as a genius. The tests have shown that your child is destined to finish a doctoral degree and become a heart surgeon who will then have the capability to save hundreds of thousands of lives before the age of 25. All you have to do is make sure your child goes to school every day, eat good food and get 8 hours of sleep.

#100 – What is Socialization? Get your Puppy ready for the world

You may already know that we are always looking for ways to support our beloved Habibi Bear Tribe with crucial information to make your life easier with your Habibi Bear puppy. This week in that tradition, we are going to talk about a buzzword that gets a lot of juice...

#17 – Ring My Bell- Conditioning and Consistency with your Habibi Bear Puppy

Last week we talked about puppy zones and spatial learning, and how understanding those concepts when your puppy arrives home can set your puppy up for success. Today we’ll cover another pillar of training a “Super Pup” – Conditioning.What is conditioning? ...

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!