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Sponsor a Puppy

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Your Donations Make a Difference!


Hannah’s Heart Paws for Empowerment is doing incredible work in providing life-changing support dogs to children with Autism and special needs and their families. By symbolically adopting or sponsoring a dog, you can help support the training and placement of a support dog with a child in need. Your generous gift will go directly toward the costs of raising and training a dog, which can cost up to $50,000.  Our families waiting for their support dog are selected by need and when we have reached their fundraising goal, we can match them to their puppy. 
The impact of these support dogs is immeasurable. They provide physical safety and emotional support for children with Autism. The calming presence of the support dog can also help to minimize emotional outbursts, making it easier for the child to interact with others and develop social and language skills.
At Hannah’s Heart Paws for Empowerment, their mission is to empower individuals with special needs and their families by providing the support of one of our purpose raised dogs. By working together, we can make a difference in the lives of these children and help them to connect with the world around them. Your gift can truly make a difference, so please consider supporting this cause today.
(This is one of our Hannah’s Heart Families in Texas 
with their puppy)
The Habibi Bear A new Breed for today's world

Choose Your Adoption Donation Level

The Habibi Bear A new Breed for today's world



This level will provide a puppy to a family who will be working through our self-training program or training in person with their own trainer.
Hannah’s Heart Paws for Empowerment is doing incredible work in providing life-changing support dogs to children with Autism and special needs and their families. By symbolically adopting or sponsoring a dog, you can help support the placement of a  dog with a child/individual in need.  Our families waiting for their support dog are selected by need and when we have reached their fundraising goal, we can match them to their puppy.

Sponsor a Pre-Trained Dog


This level will cover a puppy and basic training for a family. 
  By symbolically adopting or sponsoring a dog, you can help support the placement of a  dog with a child in need. Your generous gift will go directly toward the costs of raising and training a dog, which can cost up to $50,000.  Our families waiting for their support dog are selected by need and when we have reached their fundraising goal, we can match them to their puppy. 
(This is Olivia, one of our Hannah’s Heart recipients with
 her little heart-healer, Heaven) 
The Habibi Bear A new Breed for today's world
The Habibi Bear A new Breed for today's world



This level will provide a puppy to a family who will be working through our self-training program or training in person with their own trainer.
Hannah’s Heart Paws for Empowerment is doing incredible work in providing life-changing support dogs to children with Autism and special needs and their families. By symbolically adopting or sponsoring a dog, you can help support the placement of a  dog with a child/individual in need.  Our families waiting for their support dog are selected by need and when we have reached their fundraising goal, we can match them to their puppy.