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#129 – Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: Make sure your Habibi Bear Pup is Ready for Halloween

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: Make sure your Habibi Bear Pup is Ready for Halloween

You can see it wherever you go: brilliant golden sunflowers, amber and rust colored chrysanthemums, Indian corn swaths and pumpkins of every variety are gracing stores, window displays and porches. Giant inflatable decorations of all kinds sway on lawns and in gardens. It’s Halloween time, and as much fun as it promises, let’s make sure that our little Habibi Bear puppies, the Original Teddy Bear dogs, are ready for treats and not-too-many-tricks this upcoming October. While this season brings a lot of joy for children of all ages, what about our puppies? Let’s make sure everyone in our family, dogs and humans alike, enjoy the festivities and decorations safely and with their dignity intact.


Know the Signs of Uneasiness

Of course, not all puppies are suspicious or threatened by novelty items or unfamiliar decorations. There are many of our Habibi Bear puppies who are natural social butterflies, flitting from person to person, toy to toy, without a care in the world, spreading their joy wherever they go. These cheerful chaps or cheeky little madams are prime candidates for easing into holiday bandanas or even full-on costumes. Perhaps you may have already noticed that your Habibi Bear puppy likes being the center of attention or has extra sass to their step when they wear a new collar or harness vest. Even when wearing brand new things, your Habibi Bear puppy’s eyes are soft and happy, their mouth is open and relaxed, and their body is loose. These are all signs that your puppy is comfortable. Good job! What if you don’t see those signs?

Here are the signs of uneasiness in a puppy :

  1. Whale eyes, or more precisely Half-Moon eyes are displayed when dogs are nervous, scared and uncomfortable. A visible crescent shape of white, either on the side or underneath the pupil, will be visible. 
  2. Closed or pursed mouths indicates uneasiness and worry. 
  3. Stiff or tucked tails, and a creeping or hunched body shows fear. 
  4. Frantic barking, with charging, of the mysterious item in question, also shows fear.


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From their point of view…

 If your Habibi Bear puppy is exhibiting any of these signs, pay attention to what they are looking at or what they see. Try to see the room or location from their point of view- what new addition has appeared? Has the furniture been moved? Is something towering over their head? Is anything new making odd movements or noises? We of course know the difference between an animated object and real danger, but to a young puppy who has never experienced such a thing, it could be difficult for them to tell whether the object in question is a threat to their safety or not. 


Help your Habibi Bear puppy gain confidence

The good news is that you are in the best position to show your Habibi Bear puppy that an unknown object bears no threat to them if they happen to be worried. You are the person they love most in the world! Help them by grabbing a handful of premium treats, and allow or encourage the exploration and examination of the new object in short incremental sessions.  Whenever you notice a display of bravery, give them a big “yes” and give them a treat right away as a reward for their fearless valor. With you standing by their side, offering encouragement, yummy treats and moral support, your puppy will soon learn that there is no danger. If after examination your Habibi Bear puppy is still exhibiting frightened body language, perhaps move the item to an area of the home where your puppy doesn’t go to avoid any further stress. Although it might seem silly to us, an unknown Halloween decoration could be distressing to your puppy, therefore your puppy will need your understanding and patience. Accept your Habibi Bear puppy’s apprehension and hesitancy, knowing that it could be a temporary state and just another step in their development. Your acceptance of who they are will go a long way in the continued building of trust between the two of you. 


How is your Habibi Bear puppy around new and novelty seasonal items? Do they like dressing up or are they more reserved? Send us your pictures of your precious Habibi Bear guy or gal and see if they make our Instagram or Facebook feed! We love sharing pictures of the most photogenic Original Teddy Bear puppies around with the rest of our Habibi Bear Tribe. If you have any further questions, reach out and ask. We are always here for you, cheering you on! 

Service Dog Puppy

Finding The Perfect Service Dog Puppy: Why Habibi Bears Should Be Your Top Choice

When looking for the perfect service dog puppy, it’s essential to find one with the right combination of temperament, trainability, and health. For those in the United States searching for a great breeder, Habibi Bears offers a unique opportunity to acquire a well-bred, well-socialized puppy with traits perfectly suited for service work. Service dogs must be calm, confident, adaptable, and eager to learn, and Habibi Bears provides service dog puppies that are raised with these qualities in mind.

In this article, we’ll explore the qualities to look for in a service dog puppy, explain how Habibi Bears uses the best traits of specific breeds to meet these needs, and highlight the additional benefits you’ll receive by choosing this exceptional breeder.

# 139 Gentle Bonding with Your Dog: The Serene Sit from the Habibi Method

Gentle bonding with your puppy is the key to having that connection and relationship you are dreaming of.

#140 Communication, Consensus, and Leadership: Building Confident Habibi Bear Puppies

Learn how communication, consensus, and clear leadership create confident Habibi Bear puppies. Discover tips to avoid confusion, foster security, and build strong family dynamics for your puppy.

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!