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Privacy Policy

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black and white Habibi bear puppy

A New Breed for Today’s World

We take your privacy seriously

Your privacy is important to us.  That’s why we’ve created this simplified privacy policy, to help you easily understand what we do with your information


About Us

We are Habibi Bears LLC.  Our Facebook Page is here, our Instagram Page is here.  You can contact us at [email protected]

“We”, “us” and “our” on this site, refer to Habibi Bears Team

Our Policy In A Nutshell

  • We will NEVER sell your details to anyone else, and we’ll NEVER spam you! 
  • You can ALWAYS opt-out of our communications, just by telling us. 
  • Unless communicating with you via Facebook messenger, every non-transactional email we send includes an unsubscribe link in the footer. 
  • We promise never to do anything “weird” with your information.

The Information We Collect

  • We collect all the information you’d expect for our sites to operate correctly.
  • For email subscriptions, we collect the name and email address provided, as well as the sign-up & confirmation IP addresses.
  • For purchases, we collect the name, email address, postal address, and payment details provided, as well as your IP address.
  • For support questions, we use the return email address to reply to the query, and possibly offer an email subscription.
  • We may also collect other aggregate information to improve our systems, such as server logs and email click counts.

What We Do With Your Information

  • We will use the information you provide to help complete the service you have asked of us.
  • For email subscriptions, we will use this data to send you the information you requested – such as puppy information, blog updates, puppy alerts,  or our regular newsletter.
  • For purchases, we will use this data to complete the order – such as sending out download links, or physically mailing out a product.
  • If you have provided your telephone number to us, we may call or text you to check on your progress with your puppy, and maybe offer additional support.
  • If you have provided your mailing address, we may send you extra material that we deem relevant.
  • We aim for all of our communications to be relevant. You can opt-out of any communication at any time simply by letting us know.

Secure Purchases

  • Your payment information is handled in the most secure manner possible. 
  • All payment data is secured during the ordering process using encryption. 
  • We NEVER permanently store your credit card details. Payment data is typically handled by Quickbooks, Venmo, Zelle and Honeybook.

Our Commitment To Data Security

  • We don’t take security lightly. We know your information is important.
  • We have taken measures to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information.
  • We have appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information you provide.

Other Things You Should Know

If you have questions about the information we hold about you, you can contact us for more information.
We never collect or maintain information from those we know are under 18. Our sites and products are aimed at responsible adults, aged 18 or over.


Passionate about dogs. Dedicated to our clients.

We’re a team of dedicated professionals who love our dogs as much as they love us! We are committed to excellence and integrity as the best teddy bear dog breeder around. Our goal is to provide you with the best service, training guidance and care for your puppy while promoting positive behavior and development through our positive reinforcement training methods. We serve our community providing them with unmatched support so that they can live happier, healthier lives.

declaration of non-consent for interference

Let it be known, I, Julie Marie, do not consent to any agreement of entrapment that bears intention to deceive, misinform, manipulate, exploit, control, steal, harvest, seduce, harm or negatively influence my being, my family, my animals, and my business Habibi Bears in any way. This includes my mind, soul, spirit, body and physical place of habitation, business, website, social media and published works in any way across all levels, dimensions and time, whether they are fabricated linear or synthetic creations or times on all levels and dimensions.
Through my not consenting, I intend protection from harm and maintain neutrality so that my presence of being honors truth, compassion, wisdom, harmony, healing, constant awakening, and life, so as to not be trapped, to the best of my ability in every situation.
This includes all animals in my care,  including their group consciousness that are in contract with me, in all time space, parallel timelines and universes, that are in compliance with my purpose. I do not consent to false limiting beliefs or false soul “programs” driving my body and consciousness, but rather my highest Spirit’s truth within without limitation as a Creator as integrated mind, soul and spirit of original Primordial consciousness.
Let it be known that by my choice to NOT CONSENT to any agreement of entrapment on any level, on all levels, across all dimensions and for all time, it is in effect now and forevermore.
I hold that such is true and in effect, that any such agreement of entrapment, deception, and harmful intention, now be DEEMED null and void based on the intention of its creator to harm and not honor my life, my sovereign being,free will and enslavement of humanity.
No singular or collective entity, or artificial intelligence is under any circumstances given permission (of malintent) to enter my universe, life, dimensions, levels or time. If there are such attempts to ignore the LAW, they are responsible for one thousand times the consequences of that breach in self-destruction—and are fully legally responsible for their choices. The choice given is to not interfere or accept the consequences as stated. Should you choose to override our LAW, knowing the full terms and conditions stated, I in no way can be held responsible or harmed for any choice that breaches my LAW on any level, on all dimensions across all times and future cycles of time. I claim the Law and I Am the Law. I forbid any singular or collective entities to attempt to breach my Law and Not Consent to my LAW, and therefore am protected from entering any Game, or ANY and ALL Games set out to ensnare me out of my own SOVEREIGN BEING. They will bring upon themselves their own intention in harm.