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#145 : Know your Boo 3: Discover Their Favorite High-Value Treats

Know your dog’s Favorite Treats

It’s Valentine’s Day, are you asking for chocolates? Maybe a fruit bouquet? A teddy bear? Or maybe your tastes run to something more permanent, like gold or a diamond? As you can see, there are many different possibilities and preferences for your ideal gift for celebrating Valentine’s Day. Your Habibi Bear puppy is the same! Let’s talk about your Habibi Bear pup’s preferences and how knowing exactly what they like can be to your advantage and bring you closer with your little canine sweetheart! 


Know Your Dog’s High Value Treat

As in the last few blog posts, it is essential that we as Habibi Bear puppy owners know our puppies inside and out. When we know our dogs, we know what to avoid or what needs our attention by watching their body language. We know if they are happy and content and what their favorite activities are. Maybe you have a Habibi Bear who is a total couch potato or love bug. There are others who love a good game of fetch or chase me. Every dog has their preferences, and food treats are no exception. Do you know your Habibi Bear pup’s very favorite treat (High Value Treat)? Every pup has that one food that they will absolutely go crazy for and do anything to get just a nibble of it. If you don’t know or aren’t sure, this could be a fun activity to test out with your dog!

Examples of High Value Treats are : 

  1. Real Chunks of Cheese, such as string cheese, swiss cheese, or sharp cheddar. –(I cut them into tiny pieces and let them dry a little on the couter, then store in a baggie in the fridge.)
  2. Boiled chicken breast, turkey, roast beef, pork etc, cut into tiny pieces.
  3. Kosher Hot Dogs
  4. Pawtree freeze dried treats and soft and chewy treats have been very popular with our clients

    See what gets the biggest reaction from your Habibi Bear puppy. Be sure to keep that food on hand so when you need to give a special reward to your puppy, you have it ready to go. 

Uses for High Value Treats

So, here’s what you can do with knowing what your Habibi Bear pup’s high value treats are! 

  1. Need to call your pup in a hurry? High Value Treat
  2. Stuck at a point in conditioning your pup? High Value Treat
  3. Pup having a rough time? High Value Treat
  4. Need a powerful distraction? High Value Treat
  5. Building your bond with your pup? High Value Treat


The trick to using High Value Treats is to use them sparingly and as a special reward, not to overuse them. We can use regular low value treats (Kibble or any other type of treats) to lure (gentle leading behavior to entice our pups to go or do something we want) or charge (a click sound with a treat) a clicker as a reward. Remember to adjust the amount of meal time foods when using significant amounts of treats so you avoid overfeeding your Habibi Bear puppy. Puppies have little tummies that fill quickly! 

what to buy your new puppy


Remember Food is love in Doggie Language

Knowing what your Habibi Bear puppy’s High Value Treat will take you a long way in speaking the same love language with your pup. Knowing their favorite things will go a long way in deepening the bond with your dog. The time we have with our beloved dogs is so very short and there will be a day when it is time to part ways. On this Valentine’s Day, let’s remember that no matter who you are, you have your Habibi Bear pup’s heart until that very last beat. Let’s honor  that fidelity and loyalty by knowing our dogs to the very best of our ability. If you need a hand, make sure you check out our premium dog bonding program, the Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy, which is winning rave reviews. If you have more questions about how it works, reach out and drop us a line. We are always here for you, cheering you on! 

#86 – Exploring Adjustable Traits in Puppy temperament testing

Time sure flies when you are having fun and we are having tons of fun here in the PNW, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog, ladies and gentlemen, the Habibi Bear puppy! Our loving and playful pups are learning, exploring and growing every day before our very eyes and...

#52 – Kriss-Kross: Keeping Signals Straight with your Puppies

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Therapy Dog Puppies in Redmond, Washington: Learn More

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I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!