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habibi bear puppy therapy dog

The Habibi Bear Glossary
Your Guide to All Things Habibi

Discover everything you need to know about Habibi Bears in one place! From care tips and behavior insights to educational resources, this glossary is your go-to guide for understanding our dogs and their unique needs. Explore, learn, and fall in love with the magic of Habibi Bears!

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#135 – Safe and Sane Holidays: How to Create a Stress-Free Holiday Season for You and Your Habibi Bear Puppy

#135 – Safe and Sane Holidays: How to Create a Stress-Free Holiday Season for You and Your Habibi Bear Puppy

Safe and Sane Holidays Start with Preparation Magic

It’s been a wild ride here at Habibi Bears recently, but luckily, we have our furry little Habibi Bear puppy angels to keep our spirits high and smiles on our faces. Even when times get tough, we have our Habibi Bear guys and gals in their appropriate spaces, all marked out and designated to maintain a sense of order and routine even during the most chaotic of times. Keep reading to find out or review how designated dog spaces in your home can be of help to you and a treat to your pup as well during the hubbub and commotion of December.

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#115 – Top Tips to prevent injury to your puppy

#115 – Top Tips to prevent injury to your puppy

Ways to Keep your Habibi Bear puppy in Tip-Top Shape! We know that you love your Habibi Bear puppy to the moon, no- the sun, and back and you want to make sure that your pup stays in the best of health for years to come.Keep Reading and we’ll let you in on some tips...

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Training Tips