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#137 Baby Take a Bow: Unlocking Your Habibi Bear Puppy’s Secret Love Language

The Play Bow and ‘I Love you’ Stretch 

We here at Habibi Bears are one hundred percent always on board for sharing everything we know about doggie communication so you and your Habibi Bear puppy can have the best relationship ever! In the previous blog, we talked about human to human communication and how we need to have clear communication within our own family and home so everyone is clear about expectations and leadership roles regarding our Habibi Bear puppies. When everyone knows the rules, your Habibi Bear puppy will have clear boundaries and they will know exactly what is expected of them, resulting in a happy home and a happy pup. Today we will talk about something a little more fun and light-hearted, canine to human communication between you and your Habibi Bear puppy, specifically the play bow. 

What the play bow looks like

If you are a yoga enthusiast, you already know what the human equivalent of the doggie play bow looks like, it is the downward dog pose—front limbs stretched out placed on the ground, getting a nice stretch across the shoulders and back, with the hind end raised in the air, back limbs straight. This is the universal canine signal indicating an open invitation to willing interaction between two parties. No matter how big or small your Habibi Bear puppies are, they know how to engage with others using the play bow, and more than likely, they have tried it with you too! 



Decoding the play bow

Seeing a play bow between two dogs is always a treat 

  1. It is an invitation 
  2. The play bow shows a level of trust and goodwill is being established or deepening. 
  3. It also shows two dogs comfortable enough with each other to engage in play and have fun together. 
  4. In the same vein, it is demonstrating a state of relaxation and ease, and in a sense growing confidence, which is always a good thing!

The ” I Love You Stretch”

If you are sitting on the sofa, watching Netflix, or on your phone, and your Habibi Bear puppy approaches you and slides into a long stretchhhhhh, combined sometimes with grunting, consider yourself honored! Your Habibi Bear puppy is taking the time and making the effort to let you know how they feel about you! You make them comfortable, they trust you.   Families ask me all the time why their dog always stretches when he or she comes in from outside, or when they are coming out of their crate- they are telling you “I love you!”.  How cute is that?

What is your dog telling you when it offers a play bow? 

If your dog offers a play bow, it is usually combined with other body language, loose floppy body, tongue hanging out, tail wagging and even playful pouncing and barking – this is your dog  inviting you to deepen that bond through play. Play, like tossing the frisbee, ball or if you are like our dear Bianca, chasing butterflies, while I watched her,  is the ultimate way to strengthen your relationship with your Habibi Bear guy or gal. When we allow a few minutes to take our pup up on their offer to have a play break, just watch the level of excitement and happiness in your Habibi Bear puppy soar off the charts! The joy they feel at your acceptance of their invitation will be undeniable and evident. Watch their mouths break into a doggie grin, their hind end wiggle and you should even get a few happy barks or even happy “sneezes” to show their pure delight. No matter what type of play you engage in at that point, whether it is fetch or tug of war, the play bow sets the tone for trust and fun to ensue. Extra kudos to you if your Habibi Bear puppy brings you their favorite toy and gives you a play bow—that is the canine equivalent of “I love you.” Good job mom or dad! 


If you get confused by something that your Habibi Bear puppy does, don’t forget to check out our awesome “Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy,” the absolute ultimate in being able to read your Habibi Bear puppy’s body language and deepening the bond between you two. It has received rave reviews and has been praised to the skies. If you need any additional help, make sure you reach out to us in a timely manner so that we can get you and your Habibi Bear puppy back on track as quickly as possible. We are always here for you, cheering you on! 


Gracie Lu in Ca. demonstrating an I love you Stretch.  Way to go mom Hannah, for capturing this! 

Hookah’s Mini Habibi Bears: The Americana Litter

Mini Litter: 12-15 lbs
Selection Day: 12/26/24
Gotcha Day: 1/4/25

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I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!