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#142 Know Your Boo: How Well Do You Know Your Habibi Bear Pup? 

Know your dog’s Triggers

We here at Habibi Bears in the beautiful Pacific Northwest are completely dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge so that we can continue to bring the best current information to you, our Habibi Bear Tribe. We are committed to broadening our base and breadth of how dogs work so that the relationship between you and your Habibi Bear dog can be one that is satisfying and nourishing for the both of you, a true love connection! 


In that vein, we would like to consider how well do you know your Habibi Bear puppy? Knowing what makes your Habibi Bear puppy tick can go a long way in deepening your bond and enriching both your lives. One example that we will be covering in this article is if you know what your dog’s triggers are? 

Triggers are stimuli that can often cause our Habibi Bear dogs to become overstimulated, fearful, or agitated. Common triggers for dogs can be as mundane as:

  1. Doorbells or loud knocking
  2. Unknown visitors 
  3. Hairdryers, vacuums, and dryer buzzers
  4. Passing motorcycles
  5. Garbage truck day 


It is beneficial to observe and notice if your Habibi Bear puppy shows any of the common signs of uncertainty or stress such as 

  1. Whale or half moon eyes 
  2. Hunched (curled in) smaller body
  3. Tail tuck
  4. Flattened ears
  5. Extra licking or drooling
  6. Panting 

Notice what type of stimuli causes any of the above body reactions and make a note, seriously!
Open your phone and your Notes app and mark down anything resembling stress behaviors and what caused it. Did the passing garbage truck cause your Habibi Bear puppy to pull you all the way home on their leash? Does the ringing of the doorbell cause your Habibi Bear guy or gal to go ballistic and provoke a barking frenzy that lasts for a half an hour? Maybe your Habibi Bear puppy gets overstimulated by unknown irregular visitors, causing them to act out and become clingy, mouthy or jumpy. Being able to make the connection between cause (noise or visual stimuli) and effect (nervous, scared or agitated pup) can go a long way in finding a remedy for the issue.

Sometimes the remedy is an easy fix, such as walking your dog later in the day on garbage pickup day, and some fixes take a little more classic conditioning and desensitization. We can all agree though, that knowing what causes your Habibi Bear puppy to get stressed out is nearly half the battle! Once we know what we are dealing with, we can take the necessary steps to undo or mitigate the issue altogether with one timely phone call to our Habibi Bear Team. We can sort you out in no time, getting you and your pup back on track. 

Do you know what your Habibi Bear puppies triggers are? We would love to hear from those Habibi Bear Tribe members who know their little “boo” and what makes them tick! If you have a great anecdote or story to share with us, drop us a line and let us know! We are always here for you, cheering you on!


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I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!