#112- Too Cool for Puppy School: Signs of Dehydration in Puppies

Man, it’s a hot one, and we here in the PNW are just trying to keep cool, calm and carry on despite the outrageously hot temperatures. At the Habibi Bear Central Hub, we have over thirty years of experience raising puppies, so we know just what to look out for when it gets too hot and puppies are playing in higher temperatures. Our little Habibi Bear guys and gals are of the smaller varieties of canines, and as such, they can become dehydrated rather quickly. 

Here are some signs of dehydration to watch for when those temperatures soar:

  1. Loss of appetite. Do you have a food motivated chow hound? When it is hot and your pup is refusing food, keep a close eye on them for further signs of heat related conditions.
  2. Drooling. Puppies will become, to put it delicately, super slobbery, and seemingly unable to regulate their panting. Often their fur will become soaked from the amount of saliva they are producing, which differentiates this from normal puppy slobbers.
  3. Reduced energy and lethargy. Quite often, puppy will become loose and ‘noodle-y’ to the point of not holding up their head. Can they respond to a simple command, like “sit” with a high value treat as a reward? Are they at all interested in their favorite toy or treat? Observe and evaluate if medical attention is necessary.
  4. Dry nose, dry gums, sunken eyes. If you check for dry nose and gums or sunken eyes, and find them while puppy is acting normal in average temperatures, watch for other symptoms. If you find dry gums and nose or sunken eyes while exhibiting any of the above symptoms, call your vet and seek next steps.
  5. Vomiting! Extremely dangerous in the heat, due to the loss of electrolytes and resulting systemic imbalance. Seek medical attention immediately.
  6. Panting. Rapid breathing that sounds short and staccato (choppy, clipped). Unable to achieve a good flowing rhythm. Breathing will become harsh, and some sounds will be emitted while panting.

Any or all of these symptoms should be reason to seek immediate medical attention during these extreme temperatures. Be aware that some dogs after becoming dehydrated actually will refuse liquids as well as food, making it tricky to treat at home. We at Habibi Bears always keep and have syringes on hand (available online or at feed stores) to administer plain chicken broth to begin to replace electrolytes and salts lost if you have noticed that they are refusing water. In an emergency, dip your hands or fingers in the broth or water if you have a “licky” puppy who loves to kiss you. Quite often their impulse will be stronger than their aversion to liquids and they will lick the liquids off your fingers until you can get them to a vet for examination.

Remember, during the late spring, summer, and early fall, leave your Habibi Bear puppy at home while driving errands, as temperatures inside your car can be deadly (Hot Dogs, July 2023) in as little as twenty minutes!  Leave your little Habibi Bear guy or gal with a frozen Kong in their pen while you are out and about, and cuddle when you get home. Better safe than sorry.

If you need any further advice or suggestions, make sure to reach out to us and drop us a line. We love hearing from our Habibi Bear Tribe and we are always here for you, cheering you on!

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I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!