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#93 – Shining Super Star Luna from the Dog Galaxy – Celebrating our puppy successes!

As the days get longer, we at the Habibi Bear Central Hub in the Pacific Northwest take advantage of the extra sunlight and spend more time outside. It’s a joy to see puppies playing and having fun, bringing smiles to our faces and putting songs in our hearts. Watching puppies run, chase, and tumble around is one of life’s greatest pleasures. We’re honored to provide them with these essential experiences because we know how much puppies learn through play.

Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy landing in your galaxy

We are gifting 5 new families who join the waiting list free access to this program!

By now, you are familiar with the amount of dedication to sharing our unique and long-standing experience and knowledge with all of you in our Habibi Bear Tribe, and if you haven’t yet checked out our impressive Support page on our website, you are missing out! We at Habibi Bears continue to consistently offer unparalleled support to our Habibi Bear Tribe members. In that spirit, our groundbreaking program manual, Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy, is being offered to Five lucky puppy parents ($695 value), for a limited time only! This is no ordinary program manual that we are offering, and it contains our exclusive “untraining” method of building a deep and lasting bond of trust with your Habibi Bear puppy. By shifting from dominance-based to heart-centered gentle practices, we showcase

  • Power of Three Rituals
  • Relationship building protocols
  • Compassionate Crate Training …& So Much More!

At this time, we have the awesome privilege to share with you the inspiring success story of the little Super Star Luna and her family, who have taken their copy of The Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy and have gone above and beyond in terms of application and dedication to their beloved “baby fur daughter.” Luna’s mom deserves a special shout-out, as it was her goal to make sure the entire family, especially the kids, were involved in making sure that their little “fur sister” Luna was supported along every step of the educational journey they embarked upon as a family. Luna’s mom had her lists done, her “success station” set up for everyone to use, completed the establishment of Luna’s potty spot, and her “super” 7 – seven boxes of different treats to keep on rotation, ready to go before Luna came home to join the family and all of her hard work paid off! We had the honor of boarding little Luna for two weeks here at the Habibi Bear Central Hub, and we were blown away by the astronomical level of confidence and security that Luna radiates, which made her the most popular pup in the pack during her stay here with us. She breezed through her fear phase without a hiccup and avoided developing separation anxiety, thanks to her mom’s diligence and dedication to following The Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy down to a tee! And in the best example of a win-win for all, Luna’s family have grown closer to each other, get outside on a more regular basis, and have increased their own overall well-being by their working together for their little Luna to develop the long-lasting bonds that will benefit everyone in the family.

If your curiosity is piqued (What exactly is a success station?) make sure you reach out and try to secure your absolutely free access to our miraculous “untraining” program, The Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy, and find out what all the fuss is about. Luna’s story is just one of the many that we receive every month about the difference our bonding guide has made for our families. These are the types of success stories that we love to share with one and all in our Habibi Bear Tribe. It’s all about spreading the love and good vibes all around! After all, at Habibi Bears, we are all about the LOVE, so if you have a special story for us, reach out and drop us a line! We’d love to share your success and celebrate our awesome Habibi Bear puppies with the whole world! We’re always here for you, cheering you on!

Not Sure Where to Start?

We know it can be overwhelming getting a new puppy, you want to find the right breeder, get the right pup, and get started the right way! You’re in the right place! If you’re not sure where to start, schedule a call and we’ll help you out!

#82 – Four on the Floor: Letting puppy be a Dog

Here in the PNW, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog, the beloved Habibi Bear puppy, we are knee deep in slush, snow and ice wherever we look. It’s a real Winter Wonderland, and we are having fun, keeping cozy, with the snuggliest, most loving dogs you would Ever Want...

#103 – Managing Chemical Exposure in our Pups: Why and How

If you have taken a look around our Habibi Bears website, you’ll be familiar with how we feel about raising our dogs as naturally as possible, using holistic methods that we have had great success with over our long thirty year career. Let’s take a look at what we...

#26 – In the News: Hannah’s Heart Paws for Empowerment, Brings Cute, Kind, and Cuddly Life-Saving Dogs for Kids with Special Needs

More than being adorable, these Habibi Bears are bred with the purpose of saving lives.A dog is a man’s best friend, as the saying goes. True enough, there are many great stories about how these four-legged creatures show their love for and loyalty to their humans....

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!