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#87 – Human and Dog Connections: You and your pup are bringing the Magic

As the darkest of winter days slips away and we are receiving more and more of the life-giving Sun, we are in awe of just how much love our beautiful Habibi Bear Puppies, the Original Teddy Bear dogs, bring to our daily life. Here at the Habibi Bear Central Hub, love and big changes are in the air, and we are practically vibrating with excitement to share it all with you, our awesome Habibi Bear Tribe! We feel so blessed and honored to be able to deliver to you the most sensitive, caring and playful Habibi Bear pups, spreading our Mission of Love to those near and far. After all, Habibi means ‘my beloved’ and we consciously chose that name for our special little guys and gals. Let’s talk about how our specially developed  Habibi Method Puppy Evaluation is able to assess what type of dog will be your perfect side-kick and soul companion for many years to come, and your role in this sacred partnership. 

As discussed over the last three blog entries, it is our training as a Montessori teacher that allows us to identify and observe the unique character traits combinations that comprise your furry Habibi Bear super-pup. We have fine-tuned the skill of seeing each puppy as an individual, and when we make those parent/puppy matches, we keep this in mind. We can see, through testing, experience, and the eyes of love, who your dog will become with your loving care and influence. 

Different Temperament Types:

For example, a dog who may be very spatially and environmentally aware of their surroundings, and focused on you and your emotions, which makes a Habibi Bear puppy who is very intuitive and gentle. We would naturally pair this type of puppy with those puppy parents who are willing to offer quiet, solid support, easy socialization, and patient exposure to new stimuli so your Habibi Bear puppy can flourish and blossom in confidence, an adjustable trait, and step into their true selves and nature. Our more intuitive pups are perfect for quieter households, those working from home, and structured homes on a daily routine, providing stability and boundaries to those pups needing a little tender loving structure while growing up. Without your support and guidance, your Habibi Bear puppy can only go so far in reaching their full puppy potential. Your love and kindness is the magic they need. Like true life partners, you and your Habibi Bear puppy bring out the best in each other, while radiating joy and love into your immediate surroundings, your neighborhood, your town! You and your Habibi Bear puppy become a Dynamic Duo, spreading good vibes and love wherever you go! Isn’t that awesome?

For others, the joyful love that you and your zesty Habibi Bear puppy bring to the world in the spirit of play and action is the vehicle through which you two deliver the love to the world. That spontaneity, the spirited zoomies, the lively social interactions deliver happiness and delight of a distinct, yet delicious flavor. It might look (and sound) completely different, but it is just as valid and important. The world needs all kinds of loving energy, whether it is playful and fiery or gentle and flowing. This is the type of pup that we at Habibi Bear pair up with our more active homes, with lots of movement and spontaneity, because these party animal pups will roll with the punches and surf the wild waves that life throws their way.

So no matter what type of pup appeals to you, we have you covered, and you can trust us to deliver a pup who is full of promise and potential. Are you yearning for some more of that special Habibi Bear magic in your home? It is always the perfect time to bring home a companion pup for your first Habibi Bear dog. Do you have a special story to share with us about how you and your Habibi Bear puppy have bonded? Let us know by leaving a comment or sending us an email. We absolutely love hearing about our dogs! We are always here for you, cheering you on!

#134 – The Golden Ticket to Puppy Success

The Golden Ticket to Puppy Success!

Imagine you have a child who has been tested by professionals and has been identified as a genius. The tests have shown that your child is destined to finish a doctoral degree and become a heart surgeon who will then have the capability to save hundreds of thousands of lives before the age of 25. All you have to do is make sure your child goes to school every day, eat good food and get 8 hours of sleep.

Emotional Support Dogs

Emotional Support Dog

Finding the perfect emotional support dog can be a life-changing experience. These special companions are much more than just pets—they offer comfort, security, and unwavering support to those who need it most.

When selecting an emotional support dog, there are a few key attributes to look for: loyalty, empathy, adaptability, and health. Luckily, Habibi Bear teddy bear puppies, a unique blend of several small dog breeds, excel in all these areas.

Let’s dive into the qualities that make them stand out and explore how the breeds behind the Habibi Bear contribute to each attribute.

#137 Baby Take a Bow: Unlocking Your Habibi Bear Puppy’s Secret Love Language

Discover the hidden meaning behind your Habibi Bear puppy’s play bow! Learn how this canine love language deepens trust, builds bonds, and strengthens your relationship through play.

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!