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#75 – Blues Clues Pt Two: Wake-Up Calls of the Puppy Kind

Rise and shine Habibi Bear Tribe!

As we are winding down to the last few weeks of the year, we at the Habibi Bear central hub wanted to take this time to talk about the realities of puppy parenting, especially going into the holiday season and the additional challenges that may arise as our schedules get disrupted and activity levels rise. Last week in our blog we tackled being prepared for a new puppy and how being prepared can help you be aware of the day-to-day opportunities we have to build our bond with our Habibi Bear guys or gals. 

Some of the challenges that may arise from settling in with a new puppy:

1. Increased work load for the primary puppy parent: This could include washing more puppy laundry, like bedding, towels or rugs as our little Habibi Bear pups are in the process of mastering the lay of the Potty Time Land. Accidents will happen from time to time, and it is a normal part of puppy parenting to experience tiny setbacks from time to time until the age of a year. It is quite easy to get discouraged, but we really encourage you to focus on the potty time victories instead of the few misses. A ratio of 80% potty time success to 20% “oops, mom, sorry’s” is pretty darn awesome when we consider how many moving parts potty training has to it. Puppy needs to learn to recognize the correct brain signal, stop whatever they are doing, focus on where they need to “go” and successfully communicate to YOU that they need a “potty break,” all when their little Habibi Bear puppy brains are still developing!  WOW! We are always amazed at the drive, intelligence and desire to please that accomplishing being house-broken entails, all for the love of YOU.

2. Part of the increased workload can also include increased responsibility, ranging from the constant supervision of a new puppy, to the loss of personal downtime that arises due to the needs of the new puppy. Remember, despite their ability to walk, see, and hear, puppy development and the reaching of maturity doesn’t arrive until the twelve to eighteen month marker. This means your puppy is still developing physically, cognitively, and socially when you bring them home, and it is super helpful to remember that we are dealing with doggy BABIES and offer them all the love and support they need to become the little Habibi Pup Heroes we know they can be.

As a result of these challenges, we highly encourage you to take advantage of the many tools you may have at your disposal, such as crating and the use of the potty litter box to help alleviate the roughest patches of puppy parenting, especially around the holidays, where we can be stretched thin and trying to juggle many things in the air. If you haven’t already, check out some of our previous posts (Doggie Condos Dec ‘22, Holiday Madness Dec ‘22) for some tips on crating and meeting the challenges of the Holidays with your sweet Habibi Bear puppy right by your side. If you need help or support, reach out to us by dropping us a line or DM’ng us. Remember, we are always here for you, cheering you on.

#133 – What Makes Habibi Bears So Special?

Habibi Bear Puppies: Our Puppies Are Precious Cargo

With the brink of the holiday season upon us, we would like to take a moment to shout a big “Thank You” to all of our Habibi Bear Tribe members who have done their homework, read the literature and followed our suggestions in regards to raising their Habibi Bear puppies, the most precious, intuitive and happy little fellows that you’d ever have the pleasure of meeting. Those of you who have done the work know just how awesome it is to have cheerful, bouncy and well-balanced puppies in a household, spreading love and joy wherever they go (hey! Isn’t that a Hello Kitty slogan?) In case you were wondering how to do it, put on your space helmets, charge up your rocket packs and keep reading!

#106 – How to stop your dog from barking at visitors

Does your furry friend's barking at every ring of the doorbell send you scrambling? Whether it's a delivery person or your in-laws visiting, that frenzied barking can create a less-than-welcoming atmosphere. You're not alone in this furry predicament, and there's good...

6 Reasons Teddy Bear Puppies Make The Best Family Pets

Why Habibi Bears are the Best Family Pets Habibi Bears are the perfect family pets because they are bred with a clear purpose of being the best companion for families of all ages. With over 35 years of dedicated breeding, we have worked tirelessly to cultivate a line...

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!