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#58 – Hot Dogs: Keeping your Habibi Bear Pup Safe in the Summer Sun

One of the most distinctive features of our beloved Habibi Bear puppies is their adorable teddy bear resemblance: Cute, cuddly, fluffy and portable (with the exception of some of our rare Standards). But with cuddly, portable and fluffy comes a caution to be aware and careful with keeping them safe during times of high temperatures, like the kind we experience during the summer months.

For example, did you know that during summer daytime temperatures the moderate temperature of only 77 degrees creates an asphalt temperature of 125 degrees?

A hot day of 86 degrees results in asphalt of 135 degrees?

And with a single increase of one degree, from 86 to 87 degrees, the temperature can climb to the extremely dangerous surface temperature of 143 degrees?

A simple rule of thumb is that if it is too hot for your bare feet, it is too hot for their paws. 

According to numerous sources, it only takes 60 seconds of contact for skin (paw) damage to occur. Signs of a burn would most likely be limping or crying or unwillingness to walk any further. For the sake of your precious pups, make sure to avoid walking them when the sun is brightest and hottest, from 10 am to 6 pm in the summertime. To be extra safe, consider walking them in the early morning hours, before 8am if possible, or well after dark, 9 pm if the pavement has cooled down enough for those not in the desert states, where triple digit temps can last all night long.

If you purchase dog shoes for your Habibi Bear puppy, be aware that wearing the shoes in hot weather prevents the release of heat through their paws if worn for extended periods of time. Make sure if you have your pup in shoes, that you remove them as soon as the walk is over to avoid overheating. Dogs don’t sweat like humans, they pant and release excess heat through their nose and paws.

In a similar vein, please don’t leave your Habibi Bear puppy inside a parked car. In moderate temperatures of 70 degrees the temperature inside of a parked car can reach 99 degrees within 20 minutes. Your puppy is fluffy and small, and due to their small size, they can become dehydrated very quickly!

Signs of dehydration in dogs are :

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Panting and drooling
  3. Reduced energy and lethargy
  4. Dry nose, dry gums
  5. Vomiting
  6. Sunken eyes
  7. Extreme dehydration causes rapid breathing that is short and staccato in tempo. Contact your vet if you notice any of these symptoms and seek help.

Some dogs when dehydrated refuse liquids, in which case, it is helpful to keep a syringe handy to administer chicken broth to replace salts and electrolytes if they are refusing water. Sometimes it is helpful to place liquids on your hands or fingers, and allow them to lick the liquid off of you.

Keeping in mind that the safest place for your precious puppy is out of extreme heat and sunlight, you can make sure your sweet Habibi Bear guy or gal is happy and healthy at all times, even during the dog days of summer. If you have questions, reach out to us and drop us a line. We are always here for you, cheering you on!

Habibi Bear Teddy Bear Puppy Availability

Did you know that we have summer Habibi Bear Puppies for adoption right now? We had a few families on the waiting list decide to wait, so that means a lucky family will get to adopt in the perfect season for raising a pup without the wait!  To get the process started, fill out the questionnaire below:

Puppy Application

Are you searching for a furry family member who’s got a special touch for comfort and support? We’ve got just the thing with our Habibi Bears Breeding Program. 😊

Our Puppy Application is designed with care to pair you with a Habibi Bear that’s a perfect fit for your lifestyle. It’s all about making a heartfelt connection, so share your story with us – every detail helps!

While you can’t pick your puppy like you pick apples, we’re here to help! We observe our pups closely and use our Habibi Method assessments to match you with a Habibi Bear that’ll flourish in your loving home. We look at Traits, Personality, and the unique Healing Power of our puppies. We’re excited to learn about your home and help you find a Habibi Bear that’s eager to be part of your family.

Ready to take the next step? Just fill out our Puppy Application, and let’s embark on this journey to bring a bundle of joy and companionship into your life!

#59 – Best Buddies: Establishing a bond with your puppy

If you haven’t read the blog post from a few weeks ago, (Habibi Hero), you’re missing out on an uplifting and miraculous tale of how one of our superstar pup’s saved their family’s lives and their home. At only five months old, little Honey alerted her family to the...

#70 – Handling Skunk Encounters: Tips for Dealing with Unpleasant Situations

Close encounters and Smelly Situations: Skunk Alert! Here in the golden autumn paradise of the Pacific Northwest, home of the Habibi Bear dog, the Original Teddy Bear puppy, the trees are turning and fall is all around us. Chilly mornings and sunny shorter days can...

#26 – In the News: Hannah’s Heart Paws for Empowerment, Brings Cute, Kind, and Cuddly Life-Saving Dogs for Kids with Special Needs

More than being adorable, these Habibi Bears are bred with the purpose of saving lives.A dog is a man’s best friend, as the saying goes. True enough, there are many great stories about how these four-legged creatures show their love for and loyalty to their humans....

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!