Sign up for the Golden Paw Waitlist Alert to secure your spot on our exclusive wait list. Learn more about the process!

#3 – Spring is here! News from Habibi Bears

Our newest litter has arrived, we have a darling Small litter of three puppies and they are doing great.  The waiting list is full for this litter,  but in the event a family decides to wait- be sure to sign up for our Selection Day Alerts, so you can submit your requests and have an opportunity to adopt when those spots open up! 

We Also have ONE Large sized puppy available and she is a gem (no pun intended!)  Little Turquoise shows all the signs to be a fantastic Emotional Support or service dog,  and its a rare event for us to have one in this size.  She is in the 19-35 range.   We plan very limited Large sized litters a year, and are only breeding these when we have a waiting list-so it could be another year or two before we plan another.  Now is the last chance to bring home a beautiful little Apricot girl with green eyes….awww!

Selection is happening soon for our next litter – a gorgeous Medium litter, so stay tuned!   We will be sending out the Selection Day Alert email when we are ready to start, and they are sooo amazing.  Can’t wait to see who will be their lucky families!  
Until then, sending lots of love to everyone!


#135 – Safe and Sane Holidays: How to Create a Stress-Free Holiday Season for You and Your Habibi Bear Puppy

Safe and Sane Holidays Start with Preparation Magic

It’s been a wild ride here at Habibi Bears recently, but luckily, we have our furry little Habibi Bear puppy angels to keep our spirits high and smiles on our faces. Even when times get tough, we have our Habibi Bear guys and gals in their appropriate spaces, all marked out and designated to maintain a sense of order and routine even during the most chaotic of times. Keep reading to find out or review how designated dog spaces in your home can be of help to you and a treat to your pup as well during the hubbub and commotion of December.

#69 – Asking questions to find a Dog Sitter

It’s full on Fall here in the PNW, home of the Habibi Bear puppies, the Original Teddy Bear dog. Maybe your family has a lot of upcoming autumn activities planned, which may require going out of town overnight for a period of time. We are here to help you get the best...

#31 – Rainy Day Fun

We’re in the full grips of winter around here and if you haven't been able to get outside for normal “walkies” we have some tried and true activities to recommend to keep your puppy engaged. Are you ready to get started? Let’s go! 1. Treat “Hide n Go Seek” This can...

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!