Did you know our Habibi Bear puppies are the perfect size and temperament to accompany you to most public places? It’s true! Our “carry-on” and human focused Habibi Bear puppies are the ideal companion for you when you are out socializing or enjoying a favorite beverage in a sidewalk cafe. If you have ever seen other dogs sitting nicely with their owners and wondered how you could get your precious Habibi Bear guy or gal to do the same thing, we got you covered! We can even share the secret with you so that you and your best little canine buddy can be the envy of all while you enjoy your cappuccino with a side of “pup cup,” wherever you may go. Keep reading to find out how!
Practice being alone together
What do we mean when we say practice “being alone together” in regards to your interactions with your Habibi Bear puppy? Ideally, to make this concept work for you and your pup and future outings in public spaces, you will have taken the time to establish a regular routine with your dog of sitting together while you focus on other activities. The serene sit is one of the three bonding rituals from our innovative The Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy program, something that we do here at Habibi Bear’s and practice with all of our pups.
In case you have forgotten, the “serene sit” is the term we have come up with to describe a practice of grounding and centering yourself while being right next to your Habibi Bear puppy, allowing you both to share the space in a calm and relaxed manner. In this shared space, both you and your Habibi Bear puppy are sharing the space, but not specifically interacting with each other. In fact, the serene sit works best and more profoundly when you and your Habibi Bear pup are otherwise engaged in your own separate activities.
Some activities that can work for the serene sit are:
Step 1:
Drinking your morning coffee while your pup enjoys their breakfast from a puzzle, mat, or toy. This allows for your Habibi Bear puppy to “work” for their food, exercising their little brain muscles and giving them a real sense of satisfaction.
Step 2:
Working on your laptop while your Habibi Bear pup chews a bully stick or bone. Chewing is a biological need for your puppy, and being next to them while they fulfill that need is adding another layer to your human-canine bond. Win-win!
Step 3:
Reading or another quiet hobby while your pup plays with a squeaky toy. Did you know that like chewing on bones, squeaky toys fill a biological need in a safe (and neat!) way, the primitive urge to kill small prey? It may seem strange to perceive our dogs as killers, but like cats, our domesticated pets are hard-wired to hunt for their food. Giving our Habibi Bear pups puzzles, bones and squeaky toys, provide them the mental stimulation and profound gratification that will honor who they are (canines with a prey drive) while satisfying them on a deep level.

When you practice these types of “alone/together” activities, you are preparing your Habibi Bear puppy to be in a setting with you where they will be by your side, but not necessarily engaging with you, and able to entertain themselves quietly. It is a good skill to have for any dog to rest or play silently while their people are otherwise engaged. The sooner you start practicing with your Habibi Bear puppy, the sooner you two can hit the town and all the cute sidewalk cafes and restaurants together, just like you always dreamed about. If you need any help or more detailed tips on how to achieve this with your Habibi Bear pup, why not give us a call or shoot us a text? Better yet, check out our fabulous The Human’s Guide to the Dog Galaxy and get the dog of your dreams through building that bond of love. Need more information, just ask us. We are always here for you, cheering you on!