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#143 Know Your Boo 2: Avoid Voice Triggers

Know your dog’s Triggers: Part Two

Rise and Shine Campers! It is almost that time again for us to view better ways to manage our daily lives with our beloved furry and cuddly Habibi Bear puppies, the Original Teddy Bear dogs. Our cute and cuddly little Habibi Bear guys and gals spread love and sunshine wherever they go, bringing light and joy to every household from whence they dwell. 

In the previous article (Know Your Boo, Jan 2024), we spoke about avoiding triggers with your Habibi Bear dog, leading them to possible overstimulation. Triggers are stimuli that can provoke anxiety or stress in your pup; things like doorbells, garbage trucks or sirens. However, I bet you didn’t know that even your best intentions can sometimes trigger nervous behavior in your Habibi Bear puppy! Let me explain. 


Like we said in the opening paragraph, we know exactly how Cute and Cuddly our Habibi Bear puppies are, they are truly squee worthy! Those little fuzzy faces and puppy dog eyes all wrapped up in a carry-on sized package make them the most adorable thing around. We get it!

But here’s the thing, even if we want to squeal or “squee” at the cuteness overload that is your pup, it is really in our best interest Not To ! We need to NOT Overreact to our Habibi Bear puppies because it can throw them over the threshold, amping them up and keeping them in a state of high anxiety. Over-threshold (Managing Puppy Thresholds, Sept 2024) is a behavioral state where your Habibi Bear puppy is unable to respond or listen to you due to heightened excitement and uncontrollability. Guess what pattern can be established in such a state of high excitement? The dreaded separation anxiety! 

Avoiding Separation Anxiety is easy as 1,2,3

We all know that separation anxiety is something we try to avoid at all times and at all costs! Never fear and don’t worry, we got you covered! Here are some tips and practices to use that will help avoid throwing your Habibi Bear puppy over the threshold, keeping them nice and calm during your comings and goings. 


  1. It is best to come and go without a lot of fanfare and commotion. That means entering and leaving without eye contact. 
  2. Practice entering and leaving without baby talking or squealing. Keep your voice as calm and even as possible while coming and going. (This doesn’t mean you can never use a baby voice for your puppy, just when you come or go.) 
  3. Practice calmly picking up your keys or purses throughout the day, so your Habibi  ear puppy will not automatically associate your keys & purse with you leaving the house.


Just these three simple things will help immensely in keeping your Habibi Bear puppy grounded, centered and serene. Remember, practice makes perfect and it is never too late to make changes to your entrances and exits to keep your pup from developing separation anxiety. If you need any more tips and suggestions on how to keep things on an even keel with your Habibi Bear puppy, contact us in a timely manner and we will be happy to get you back on track. Remember, we are always here for you, cheering you on! 


Marigold’s Garden: Mini Habibi Bear Therapy Puppies for Sale

Mini Litter
4 Puppies
All Puppies are Homeward Bound

Shih Tzu

Oh, Shih Tzus—such a key part of our Habibi Bear’s signature Teddy Bear face! With their big, soulful eyes and adorable stocky build, they bring so much charm and devotion.

To ensure the best health, we’ve carefully balanced our Shih Tzu lines with longer-nosed breeds, improving breathing while preserving their sweet, human-focused nature. Our rare imported lines add genetic diversity and clear health screenings, making them a priceless part of the Habibi Bear’s vitality and signature look!

#92 – Raising Puppies with Heart: Mastering the Habibi Method Puppy Training Program for a Lifetime Bond

Hey friends, it's Julie! If you're part of our Habibi Bear family or considering joining it, I have something exciting to share. 🐾❤️ 'Humans Guide to the Dog Galaxy' is not just a course; it's a journey to deepen the bond with your furry friend, beyond what you've...

I’m Julie

The creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach!